12 years ago this happened:

Ardoyne 2001Young kids were exposed to the worst sort of sectarian bigotry and the virulent underbelly of Loyalism was exposed to the world for what it is.

Since then clearly nothing has been learned within Loyalism but, more importantly, within the wider Unionist fraternity.

I am tempted, as a Nationalist and a Republican to gloat but I am left with an empty as well as angry feeling after the latest lunacy from that quarter.

Today 3 Schools were threatened. Pupils, parents and staff.

From the Irish News:

Loyalist statement

Now I expect nothing better from these lunatics but I am still waiting on a single comment from any Unionist politician on this. Even one.

Every single person I have spoken to including many of a unionist persuasion are appalled by this. I am certain the unionist inclined readers of this blog will be appalled by it.

(Clarification) I should add I mean that I am appalled by the silence of Politicians, not individual unionists

Why the silence?