Hi All,

I actually remember the days when there was a six month wait for installation of a phone line. I thought that was a thing of the past to be honest.

My recent absence from the blogosphere is unfortunately due to a recent house move and the the absence of Wifi.  Apparently a 15 “working” day wait to transfer my connection is standard. Hmmmmph.

Therefore as I sit in a local hostelry, nursing my “beverage” and availing of their free Wifi I thought a quick post was in order.

The bould Sammy McNally has been in touch this morning regarding a report in this mornings Daily “Torygraph” regarding the excellent start to the World Cup by the Irish Rugby Team. (There is a clue in that)

Apparently, in their print edition, they have the following revelation:

“How many of the Starting XVs were born in the country they represent?”

Ireland only have 11 (according to the Telegraph) because 1 was born in NZ(Payne) , 1 in Israel(Heaslip) and 2 in Northern Ireland(Henderson,Best).

Now, seldom does a day go by that I don’t read some nonsense along these lines, usually from Unionist politicians propagating the “our wee country” myth, but seriously lads, Ireland Rugby Team, Ireland’s Call, even the name of this region is northern Ireland.

It strikes me as hilarious that after 95 years of trying to deny the bloody obvious the Torygraph is still at it. It will, of course, have the same reaction and result among Northern Nationalism.

I suppose they are merely pandering to their dwindling readership. Perhaps that is why it is not on their online edition?

Fear not dear readers, by the way, my recent move was merely from the outer reaches of Bangor, to a rather leafier area nearer the town centre. I am (un)reliably informed that my Wifi will be restored tomorrow but for the moment I am very happy just here



Well Well, Sammy appears to have got another result!

ApologyDTel - Copy