Taking a breath for a minute from current events but with considerable relevance, I thought it may be encouraging for regulars here to note that we are, in our own way, making waves further afield. Last night the BBC and UTV broadcast their own versions of the twelfth. These broadcasts were largely at variance with the broader news coverage locally and completely opposite to the international coverage which, surprisingly enough, focussed on events in Belfast.

On the 6th of June we had a guest post by Sammy McNally. An exclusive if you will.

By the 9th of June this had been picked up by well respected Blogger Alan in Belfast and referencing his re- blog on Slugger on the 8th. All of which correctly linked and referenced the original article by Sammy.

Yesterday, the same story was run in the Independent Newspaper (London Version). Note the lack of accreditation other than to Alan, although without any link to his own excellent site, let alone Slugger or Sammys article here in the first place!

Although the mainstream media may be protecting their readership, particularlySammys Monkeys online by not linking to original sources I think they are damaging their credibility by not doing so. Well done Sammy on making the Indo, even without acknowledgement. And well done to this blogs readers and commenters. You are being heard and listened to even though it may not be apparent yet.

Thank you one and all