With apologies to FJH, The Skibbereen Eagle came to prominence when it announced with suitable gravitas that it “Was keeping an eye on the Czar of Russia” regarding his Chinese adventures back in the 1800’s. Quite.

Of course, like all great quotes it contained a universal truth. In this case that all Politics is local. Yet we all relate our experiences of local politicians to global standards and expect them to perform to those standards.

Integrity, truth,bravery, honesty and delivery of change. That’s what I expect at least. Yet how many world class Politicians have we delivered?

I can name a few who have done just that. Not alone locally but indeed on a World stage. In the last 30 years I would say John Hume is head and shoulders, Gerry and Martin are up there. I would include Paisley in my list, David Irvine definetely, the only UUP person I can think of is Terence O’Neill for effort. Alliance? nope nobody. Nelson McCausland? well that’s the other end of the scale.

So why do we have so little time for local Politico’s? Perhaps because they are just too local. All firefighting and no strategy.