This may be part of a series if it is thought worthwhile.

Part 1:

Orangicus Itinere Erectus.

This species is very common in the north east counties, particularly during July andDodo August. It is easily identified by its dark plumage with lighter stripes augmented by a fantastic orange collarette about its neck and drawing to a southern point at its midriff. It generally has an exaggerated upright, almost backward leaning gait and carries its jaw at an upward thrust. It is unclear if this is part of a mating ritual. ( I will examine this in greater detail when studying Orangicus Lilicus, the female of the species) For the most part it is somewhat taciturn in nature but when roused, is given to sudden, largely incoherent, loud shouting. This shouting generally involves repeating the learned historical phrases of its flock. Ad nauseum.

The instincts of this particular species are fascinating to observe. They appear to gain particular satisfaction from parading around the nests of other species and discomfiting their habitats as much as possible, much like the Cuckoo or the Magpie. (They particularly seem to like doing this where the Exra politicus or Catholicus Chapilicos are common) They are unquestionably a herd creature although strangely they seem to choose their loudest, rather than their smartest, as the herd leaders.

Unfortunately their numbers have been dwindling in recent years largely due to a declining habitat and their unfortunate habit of alienating other species. They are however a hugely interesting and fascinating species to which, perhaps, consideration should be given to providing protected status.

At the very least they deserve a place in the Museum of Natural History in Dublin which, I believe, they richly deserve.